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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Preparing for Pre-Med

Hi! I am currently a freshman in High School and I am interested in pursuing the pre-med track in college. I want to make getting into pre-med as easy as possible so I figured it is good to start early. Any recommendations on how to help myself out with college apps for pre-med as a ninth grader?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hey Sana16!

Really quickly want to say that you might want to really reconsider committing to pre-med at such an early point, I know I wanted to be pre-med until I worked in a hospital where I just couldn't deal with the sadness and the somber mood so now as a senior I want to go into law! Nevertheless, I have a brother your age who also is considering pre-med so here's the advice I told him. First is experience, you want to maybe volunteer at a hospital whenever you can or even shadow a doctor if possible. Whatever you do, it'll provide a real insight into the field and let you know how you feel about it. If you do really like the medical field than keep up this work, and be a regular volunteer, it shows commitment to the AOs. The next most important thing is to do research, my school has a research program so many of my friends do bio research through there, but if yours doesn't reach out to professors and ask if they'll mentor you, there's a lot of resources on the web for that. Finally, I'd do some "avant-garde" competitions, some things that no others are doing, not like Science Olympiad, but ISEF and Conrad Challenge and Regeneron. Kids who go far in these competitions are set well for their college apps no matter what field. Otherwise, take classes you enjoy, keep your grades up, get a good SAT score, and have fun! Underclassmen years are your opportunity to explore and have fun! Best of luck in your pre-med journeys! :)

3 years ago

You are aware of the need for medical admittance. Because it is graduate admittance, you won't be able to accomplish much in high school. Right now, you should endeavor to get into the greatest institution possible. You may start preparing right now, but getting into college is more crucial.

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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