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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

I am very undecided for a major, what should I do?

Hi so I am a current high school senior and applied to my colleges already, the problem is I have no idea what I want to study. I applied to all my colleges undecided, but this still will be an issue in choosing a college.

Everyone is like, "you'll figure it out" but I have no idea, and some majors if I want to pursue them I would need to go to a different school. I am thinking of becoming a teacher or social worker, or something with math like a data analytics/accountant or engineering. Or maybe even a history teacher? Possibly pre-law, that interests me as well.

I just enjoy so many subjects and so many jobs interest me. My high school classes are kind of all over the place because of this, I have no clear "passion".

I know this really isn't a question, but please give me some advice on what you think I should do to get a better idea of what I want to do, especially since I will have to choose a college in May.

Thank you so much!


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5 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

You will figure it out. I have a similar story, I have soo many interest that I'm not even able to list any but I still applied computer science, because that's what my parents did. I suggest going undecided and exploring freshman year, while taking as many classes that you like as possible. The best way is to try. Maybe take some free online courses for your interests and get a feel of what it's like. (Like I watched some CS lectures on EdX last summer - I'm currently a senior too) Other factors that may help you choose is the campus (campus life/activities/dorms/meals), resources, career-oriented or chill, financial aid, etc. I think a lot of people have your kind of issue, so just go with your feel! Remember, exploring is the most important step to success later on.

3 years ago

It is okay to not know what you want to do! You can do in as Undecided and just try different classes out until you find what fits :)

3 years ago

If you truly love learning for learning sake, I would opt in for a liberal arts education. I don't what colleges you applied to but hopefully you applied to a few private liberal arts colleges. Their goal is to graduate you with a well rounded education versus a degree focused on a specific degree like teaching, accounting or nursing or engineering.

Good luck in your college decisions when they come out.

3 years ago

Another idea is to take a look into pre-college programs. Plenty of colleges have them. It can give you an idea of what a career in a particular field is like and how it is taught in that school. You could even email past attendees and get their opinions.

Best of luck!

3 years ago

I would suggest first doing some of those career/ major quizzes and they'll judge you based off of your interests. Then if you don't like that outcome, I would suggest taking off for a year before starting college(I don't know the term). It's supposed to help you "find yourself" in a sense and find your passions and interests. Take a vacation, do community service, do an apprenticeship or internship. But remember, you can major in something and then later on, change your mind. A LOT of people also end up with a degree and then find out they didn't want it for that specific major. Your interests and passions will change over time, believe me.Find something your comfortable with and that taps into your talents and interests if you want to start looking for majors. Best of luck bro!

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