I am a senior, and I've worked a part-time job after school and on weekends since sophomore year. I have a 3.75 GPA, and other extracurriculars as well, and I'm also an avid painter. Would having a part-time job help me as an applicant with some of the Ivy's I am applying to? Would it help me stand out in any way?
Hi, thank you for asking your question! I agree with the answers below, especially that showing genuine interest and passion in your extracurriculars is key. When it comes to categorizing how impressive your extracurriculars are, here are a few things to consider: 1) the time commitment to the activity (hrs/wk, wks/year); 2) the uniqueness of the activity (how common is it for other high schoolers to do the same things that you are); 3) the overall level of accomplishment (honors and awards you have received); 4) most importantly, the alignment of your major of interest and your activity.
I would highly recommend checking out this blog post below.
It can really stand out as colleges see that you are involved outside of school
Anything you spend your time doing something productive could be useful. If you have an extra space in your extracurriculars, put it in! An admissions officer isn't going to rescind your acceptance because of this, it can only help you.
It will help as long as the job was either necessary (your family needed the money or you needed it for your basic needs) or it was in an area that fell within your “spike” - the area that you personally stand out in or are passionate about.
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