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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Double majoring?

I'm really confused about how double majoring works and have been getting conflicting answers in my college research. I'm looking at doing either English and Environmental Sciences or English and Astronomy/Astrophysics. Will it depend on the school? Also, is it even worth it or should I do a minor instead?


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1 answer

2 years ago

Double major policies do depend on the school. Most colleges will allow you to double major in any combination of programs, though you may have to spend more than four years as an undergraduate student in order to make it happen. Taking classes over the summer will usually allow you to avoid a delayed graduation.

Since you have three different major interests, I recommend looking into pursuing one major and two minors. This track is easy to complete in four years, since you will most likely finish your major requirements before you graduate.

Minors will allow you to explore your interests up to an advanced level, while also not taking up too many credit hours. Having a major and a minor or two will also make it simpler to create a focused career direction. With that said, double majoring is still something to consider - it can satisfy your intellectually curiosity fully and turn you into an exceptional job applicant who is a perfect fit for certain niche roles.

Hope this helps!

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