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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Shadowing a doctor/ touring a medical facility

I recently sent out a few emails to various doctors asking if they would be willing to let me see what their job was like through something such as shadowing or getting a tour over this summer.

I got two responses, one saying that they would give me a tour of their facilities, and one saying that they would be willing to let me shadow them sometimes. I am following up with them to make more concrete plans for this summer when it gets closer to the time that I would go.

How will this look to colleges? Is there anything specific that will look better to colleges that I should focus on when making plans, such as seeing if I can get a specific type of experience, or if I could go something like once a week for a few months?

Also if anyone knows what tier this would be on the CollegeVine calculator that would be much appreciated.

@justtryingtogettocollege3 years ago

I was wondering how you knew what doctors to ask and how you got their emails, I want to do pre-med and I think this is a brilliant idea for an extracurricular.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@IdontknowwhatImdoing3 years ago [edited]

I emailed a few of my old doctors, and my grandfather gave me a small list of doctors that he sees and is close enough to that I could say I'm the grandson of a patient etc. The doctor that said I could shadow was an old one of mine and the one that offered the tour is one of my grandfather's. I would just see if there are any doctors that you know of like that, but if you don't just look up physicians in a local medical center and send them emails, they're more likely to help than you'd expect.

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1 answer

3 years ago

It is amazing that you are already so passionate about what you want to do in the future and are already taking significant steps to set yourself up for success.

In terms of how it looks for college, in my opinion: It will do nothing but help you get into the school and program you want. So many schools look at what students have done outside of just high school and how they are actively trying to better themselves and become more involved in that area of study they want to pursue. I think it will look great, especially if you can do this multiple times, showing your dedication to bettering yourself as a person to allow yourself to see what the doctors you are shadowing are doing daily.

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