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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

If I take one semester of all my senior year classes over summer and then a final semester in the fall will I graduate?

If I take one semester of all my senior year classes over summer and then a final semester in the fall will I graduate and how will colleges see it?


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

Yes, of course you will graduate. The question you should be asking is will an early graduation be as impactful as graduating with the rest of my class?

Honestly colleges don't care if you have enough credits to graduate early because it's not a contest to see who graduates fastest. They mostly care about selecting the best incoming class they can put together regardless of whether you graduated after 11th, 12th, or a post-graduate 13th year.

Successful admits have the best grades, course rigor, and evidence of intellectual vitality/curiousity outside of the class room. Having top test scores, impactful ECs and prestigious honors can only help.

So by this logic, if you can use an extra semester and your summer to improve your application narrative in 1 or more areas, that is what you should do. Unless your goal is not to get into the very best college you can because you have other priorities and mitigating circumstances like having to stay local to take care of family member or something similar.

Hopefully this is helpful information and makes sense. Let me know if you need any further clarification.

Good luck.

3 years ago

Hello! While some colleges will not take this into consideration others will. College is still fiercely competitive, and your applications should make you look the best. One way to make yourself stand out would be to graduate early.

Graduating early would make you appear well organized and serious about your studies. Make sure to get your affairs in order about, where you want to go, what you want to study, and how you will pay for it.

Always strive you make yourself look the best. No matter how small you think something is, go ahead and list it. Strive to be your most authentic self. If you still aren't sure, ask your School counselor. Try asking your college and career coach as well. No matter what you choose, I think this is a good idea. Also, make sure your school district allows students to graduate early.

Good luck!

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