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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

What can a Junior do to improve their admissions chances?

I'm a first-generation college student and as such, my parents have no experience with applying to college. Heck, when I told my parents I wanted to go they were shocked. I feel like they kind of expected that I would marry some guy and have a family. So, pleasant to say I have no idea what I am doing. It's only recently I've decided I'm going and I feel so scared. I'm not even applying to any big universities, I'm mainly applying in-state. So what can I do to increase my chances of getting an acceptance letter from my Dream School (University of Louisville)?

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3 answers

5 years ago[edited]


5 years ago

@Raynerose the general rule of thumb for college admittance is to have in the upper range of the middle 50% gpa and middle 50% for ACT or SAT a quick google search solves that. In your situation, you should have one hard school that you apply o that if you want there you'd like it. I visited my instate campus over my school break but university was still in session. Then apply to a school with a near certainty of acceptance and then 2-3 schools that you think you will get into but aren't certain. If your profile is strong enough Vanderbilt might be a viable option.

If you want some resources you could just google contact admissions insert school name and say something like Hello, I have just decided I wanted to apply to college but as a first gen student I am floundering a bit do you have links or good resources for me. Id greatly appreciate it! You might want to contact your regional admission counselor a person who recruits students in a specific region so Lousiville will probably have someone(s) for Kentucky. You google regional admissions insert school or find my admission representative insert school name.

For some general guides, Id look at SupertutorTV on youtube.

Some big dates to keep in mind are priority deadlines either Early Action (nonbinding) Early Decision (Binding) most schools only offer one of them so research if ED is a good idea and the earlier you apply the more financial aid you will get. Remember to file the fafsa which is freeish money. Then you get notified of acceptence/denial and then you pick a school and enroll. I am skipping over a few things but these are the very basics and good luck in your search!

5 years ago

So the other answers are really in-depth, but on a more personal note I just want to say that I'm proud of you, idk. I think that it is a very good thing that you know what you want. Also keep in mind that you can actually get in contact with the admissions directors at that school. Another good resource is any online admissions zooms, they are VERY helpful. Lastly many schools want to admit first generation students, so make sure to add that to your application.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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