3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which looks better: AP Comp Sci or Robotics?

Im debating whether or not to take AP Comp Sci or Robotics next year, and I'm not sure which would look better on a college application. I am going to be entering my senior year next year. Im currently taking 3 AP classes this year, have taken 2 AP tests in the past, and plan to take 2 more (not counting AP Comp Sci) next year, if that matters. AP Comp Sci in my school actually goes hand in hand with a course at the nearby Uni near me, though that course is a semester long while AP Comp Sci is a full year, so the workload should be spread out. Also it should be noted that I do have prior experience programming, though basic. Im more interested in Robotics, though I do love Comp Sci and wont mind switching. Thanks for any answers!

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1 answer

3 years ago

I think that AP Comp Sci would be a more valuable class to take. It would boost your weighted GPA while giving you a background in the core comp sci concepts that are the building blocks of more advanced college classes. Since robotics is a more practical and hands-on field, it would look better to learn about it through extracurricular activities like a robotics club. Hope this helps!

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