3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is Speech and Debate a good Extracurricular?

I go to a barely recognized S/D team. We're around 48th in California, and my coach says I have good potential. But it's so incredibly draining, the work is ridiculous and outweighs all my other classes combined. I want to keep doing it, as it's a large part of my extracurricular list, but I'm having doubts if it's really worth it. Especially since colleges prioritize academics which would be lessened because of the S/D burden.


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Yes, in fact I feel it is probably the most useful activity you can participate in in high school. This is because it shows colleges that you have research and composition skills. Which are essential skills that you'll need to use throughout college.

3 years ago

hello! of course it's your choice in the end, but I believe that speech and debate is a good extracurricular- in moderation of course. It depends, do you think it's helping you? Are you enjoying it? If yes, maybe reduce some other extracurriculars to make time for this. If you don't think it's making a positive difference, give yourself some rest and drop it.

3 years ago


I'd say the impact of this one club on college admissions will depend on the rest of your extracurriculars. In particular, do you have anything else that you enjoy doing (and have excelled in) as much as Speech and Debate?

Having extracurriculars that you're passionate about is one of the most important things you can have for college admissions. Unless you have other activities lined up where that time could be more impactful, then I'd suggest sticking with what you love (even if your grades/course rigor aren't quite as high as they otherwise could be).

Hope that helps!

3 years ago

Hello! In my opinion, the extracurricular is great. It will help you to develop skills, which will be useful for the future. Also, it's great that you'll have to speak in front of other people, which will make you more confident.

Also, it's a huge + to your application.

Of course, it's up to you to decide, but I think it's worth going there

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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