3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Has anyone's chancing results been reordered questionably?

My chancing results look like this. I find that many schools are not intuitively where they should be. Maybe someone has had similar results and can explain what the changes are to the revised algorithm. I'm 100% committed to Columbia but if I applied now, CMC, Pomona, Swarthmore would be harder. And that Princeton, Stanford, MIT would be easier. I wouldn't think the 2 UC schools are only 2% higher than MIT/UPenn or that Colby would be harder than Vandy,JHU and Cornell.

Pomona 35%, Yale 36%, Swarthmore 37%, CalTech 39%, Harvard/CMC 40%, Columbia 41%, Brown/Duke 42%, Stanford/Bowdoin 44%, Princeton/UChic/Williams 45%, Dartmouth 47%, Amherst 48%, Rice/NWestern/UPenn/MIT 49%, Colby 50%, UCLA/UCBerkeley 51%, Vanderbilt/Colorado/JHU 52%, Barnard 54%, Middlebury/Cornell 55%

I know that Top 25 admit rates are converging one on top of another and within a few cycles will all be under 5% but I'm still curious what going on behind the scenes.

UPDATE: There must have been a new version today 2/23/22. Now the list looks like:

Caltech/Yale 29%, Harvard 31%, Princeton/Stanford 33%, Columbia/Brown 35%, Pomona/Duke 36%, Swarthmore/Colby 37%, Bowdoin 38%, Amherst 39%, UChicago 40%, MIT 42%, Dartmouth 44%, Rice 45%, NWestern/UPenn 46%, Williams 47%, CMC/JHU 48%, Barnard 53%, Cornell 54%, ULCA 55% Colorado/UC Berkeley/Vanderbilt 56%,

I still think its problematic that UPenn/NWestern/MIT/UChicago/Dartmouth (4%-6% schools) are easier schools than Colby/Pomona/Swarthmore/Bowdoin and Amherst (8% schools) There is no way.

Also CalTech and MIT have the same acceptance rates and criteria. No way is there 13% difference between the two. Either the both should be the same 42% or MIT should be slightly harder to get into which it is.

My CV admissions chance has not been affected
My CV admissions are now all higher
My CV admissions are now all lower
My CV admissions are now jumbled up like yours.
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3 years ago

@CameronBameron Wait yeah my chances got moved around a lot (mostly they decreased but some increased) Harvard went from 22% to 15%, while Yale only went from 20% to 17% but Vanderbilt went from 34% to 38% and Cornell stayed exactly the same.

🎤3 years ago

How about UPenn, isn't that one of your top choices?

3 years ago

Oh yeah Upenn went from 26% to 24%, but since im applying to Wharton it may be different

🎤3 years ago

At this point, I wouldn't worry about it at all, I'm sure CV will fix it and make a better version over the summer before your senior year.

3 years ago

Oh no no I think its a good thing- I think my 15% chance at Harvard is more accurate than a 22%


3 years ago

my results are not even close to yours, except Barnard where I am at 65%

🎤3 years ago[edited]


3 years ago

From Barnard website: In furtherance of our mission, tradition and values as a women’s college, and in recognition of our changing world and evolving understanding of gender identity, Barnard will consider for admission those applicants who consistently live and identify as women, regardless of the gender assigned to them at birth. We will also continue to use gendered language that reflects our identity as a women’s college.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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