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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

How does one get inspiration for personal projects and start said projects?

Any advice on starting passion projects and getting inspiration for projects, specifically STEM projects? I want to major in pre-med for college and I want to start a project regarding medicine, but I am having a hard time getting ideas.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago

Hey, this is my experience and it has worked out great for me. A personal project has to show your persistence and tenacity. Meaning, don't start a project for something you know absolutely nothing about. Try to explore your passions and if you enjoy something (for me it was my science research), try to develop it into a skill you can hone in front of admissions officers. For STEM, research is an excellent way to hone your skills. If you've participated in science fairs and earned state or national recognition for your research, that shows promising results with colleges. One example is Intel ISEF which is the most prestigious national-level science fair you can enter. You can also attend summer research camps like HSHSP or Clark Scholars. Another way to advance your personal skills in STEM is to intern for an institution that pursues your interest. For research, you can intern at a research institution or your state university with a professor that studies and researches your topic. You can also publish your research as this shows Universities that you're serious about the work you're doing. Also, this can be a great way to get an idea of what to research. Read a lot of scientific literature as well if you're having a hard time coming up with a topic. NIH's PubMed is a GREAT place to start. That's how I developed my research into a novel (new/original) idea. I hope this helped and again, this worked for me because I LOVE science and genetics. Find what you enjoy and develop it to the best of your ability. Enjoy! If you want me to add on, feel free to tell me!

5 years ago

To do something medicinal based try to get a mentor that would help you with it. You could also enter competitions such as IISEF or Regeneron Science Talent Search. Look at old science journals for experiments previously conducted and try to build off of that. You could also start medicinal blog, website etc. or conduct some community service in the medicinal field, or fundraise money for organizations such as WHO or UNICEF. These are just some ideas, but there's a lot out there. Hope this helps :)

5 years ago[edited]

Usually when you are getting inspiration for a project, the first thing you need to do is come up with a problem that needs to be solved. For example: people don’t know the effects of 5G on our health. Then, come up with a way to solve this problem. Using my example, you could start a blog on the effects of 5G, or start a podcast with interviews from doctors about 5G. You could also organize a talk at the school or library about 5G. You could organize a grassroots campaign or publish a novel about 5G. Take something you are passionate about and find a way to use that to make the world a better place. You could even try volunteering for the Red Cross

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