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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I get into college? Should I even try?

I currently have a 1.6 GPA and im in my second semester of junior year. These past years have been rough on me and I didn’t care about school. I failed a lot of my classes because of my lack of dedication. Now my junior year I’ve done better and I’m trying to get myself back on track. I’m getting better grades and I’m determined to have straight A’s in most of my classes. If I keep it up till senior year and get all the credits I need will my GPA go up? Will a 2.5 be good enough for college? I’m thinking community college is my best bet.

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3 answers

3 years ago

It is mathematically possible to bring your GPA up to at least a 2.5. You can do it! Once you hit this benchmark, you will be eligible for a decent range of schools - many actually have minimum GPA thresholds that are lower than this at 2.0. College admissions is also holistic, meaning that many more factors than GPA are weighed by colleges to determine an applicant's merit. Essays, SAT scores, letters of recommendation, and other components can all make up for a low GPA. Colleges will also let you explain your extenuating circumstances in their additional information sections.

With that said, different colleges will have different minimum GPA requirements. You can see a list of these on this CollegeVine blog post Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Most college apps are due before the first semester of your senior year so you have some time and if you follow through with your plan to get straight A’s, it might happen. However, if you do end up attending community college, you can always do a year there or maybe two and then try to transfer into another school. Colleges go much easier on students who transfer in and your odds are much higher than applying from high school. Whatever happens good luck and if you do go to community college try to maintain at least a 3.0 to give you a good chance to get into the college of your choice.

3 years ago

A GPA of 2.0 or anything above that is considered a "passing" GPA, and so therefore a 2.5 is good for college. I think it's a little too late to significantly raise your overall GPA, but I think you still have hope. A lot of colleges accept 2.5 GPAs, so you probably won't have to go to a community college.

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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