3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are some Summer Program I can still apply for?

Guys name some good summer programs that have their applications open and I can still apply to them. Preferably related to CS/Entrepreneurship.

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3 answers

3 years ago

I'd like to share two CollegeVine blog posts with you that list summer programs that you can apply for. This one has programs related to CS and this one has entrepreneurship/business programs. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

There's a lot of options out there.

If you're looking for something more prestigious, just try looking up an Ivy league name followed by "summer program" and browse through there. In all honesty, these programs are oftentimes expensive, competitive, and the majority of which have closed applications.

You could try looking up a local university/college followed by "summer program" for something usually cheaper and less competitive. Oftentimes, these programs have less applicants than big-names so later deadlines and less competitive. Even though, they still provide valuable (sometimes even more so than Ivies because of a smaller class size) experience/education and look good on your apps.

Additionally, for something easier, you could try looking for student-led nonprofits and enroll in a program there. There's a 80-90% chance that you'll get accepted, and they're usually very cheap or free. But you might be sacrificing some of the prestige that comes with college names (if that's something you're looking for). However, it's usually a great gateway into more opportunities (leadership positions/awesome connections/re-occuring or longer program).

I unfortunately don't know any programs in particular, but I hope this provides some good ideas!

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