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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Pre-cal or stats

Hi, I'm a junior, I'm really confused about what math I should do in my senior year.

Should I take pre-cal or stats?

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@LexieLuthor3 years ago

As a junior myself taking pre-calc I would say pre- calc. Although it is harder, it is better to learn it in high school than in college. If your school offers college in the high school for it than use pre-calc that you did in your senior year. I would only take statistics if you are going into a field that requires you to take that as a college class.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Take Pre-cal !! As I were going to change my pre-cal to stat because everyone was saying Pre-cal had. My teacher said to me, "even though pre-cal is more challenging, it's best if you go ahead and take it now so it won't be as challenging in college." So I took Pre-cal and passed it with a 89. Good luck with your decision!!

3 years ago

pre calc for sure. It builds off Algebra 2 and there is a lot of overlap do it will help you prepare for the SAT.

3 years ago

I am going into my senior year and have already taken my college math course (through a free program a local university offers in my state). I would say definitely take pre-calc. It will prepare you for college maths while also setting up a good foundation for if you decide to take stats in the future.

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Texas Wesleyan University


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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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