I'm a Junior and have never really been sure about when to apply to college, how, etc. Can you apply as a junior and wait out the rest of high school? How? When do applications open? Is it different depending on the college?
As a junior you don’t need to be submitting applications per say; instead, I would recommend mock applying—that is familiarizing yourself with the application process/platforms, researching colleges and programs, and writing the essay prompts. The Common Application and Coalition Application both open August 1st of each year while the Questbridge Application is traditionally available in the late summer. Some schools (like the UCs) have their own application platforms as well.
I am a Junior as well, and the best piece of advice I have received is to start writing your personal essay. The actual college application is usually submitted during senior year, but you can easily write your essay using the prompt on the CommonApp and Coalition App. This way you can develop and master your essay, which his crucial for your admission chances. On top of that, if you're using the CommonApp, which is likely the case for most schools, then you can already fill in the most of the application information and save it on the CommonApp. This means you effectively have your application filled and ready. That said, you also have the option of submitting Early Decision, but you should be aware that Early Decision applications tend to be binding. Other than that, I highly recommend narrowing down your college list and making a list of all the information you need to submit your application.
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