3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I actually go to a nice liberal arts school with a 3.1?

I am really picky about the campus and want to go to a school with cool old buildings somewhere like oregon, washington, vermont, maine etc. Can I get in with a 3.14 as a sophomore? I have fairly good extracurriculars/ extra achievements, such as having earned honors in english, being a writer for my schools cutthroat yearbook, soloing in choir and theatre, being in advanced choir, on the JV team for ultimate frisbee, working a job, and lobbying for local politicians.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Honestly, finding a West Coast liberal arts college with cool old buildings will be a challenge since most LACs were founded in the past 100 years. I think Reed College in Portland is 110 years old and Scripps college is like 95 years old.

You will find a dozens and dozens of choice on the East Coast, some that may accept a lower GPA like yours.

3 years ago

Some beautiful private liberal arts campuses on the West Coast to consider that might be a good fit for you: Univ of San Diego, St Mary’s, Dominican University, Univ of Puget Sound, Univ of San Francisco. All gorgeous campuses with wonderful academics, study abroad opportunities and small classes.

3 years ago

Hi @claires,

Assuming cost is not your main barrier, you can definitely find good liberal arts schools that you can get into with a 3.0 GPA. Keep in mind though that the schools on the West Coast are generally pretty new compared to their East Coast counterparts, so while you'll still find nice, collegiate buildings (like UCLA), the roots themselves may not be as deep.

I'd recommend using CollegeVine's Chancing Engine and School List Hub (link on the sidebar) to get more specific recommendations. It'll ask you a ton of details about your preferred campus type and school profile, then generate a list of recommendations that you have a chance of getting into. It'll even sort that list into safeties, targets, and reaches, so you can automatically have a balanced school list.

Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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