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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What Tier Are My Extracurriculars?


While I have used the chancing calculator on collegevine, I am still unsure about the tier level (level 1, 2, 3, etc.) for some of my extracurriculars. I would love some input! (activities are listed by order of importance to me - highest important at the top. Some information is projected by the time I graduate).

1. Environmental art non-profit: founded a nonprofit for artists to sell their artwork and have 100% of proceeds donated to an environmental charity of their choice. 20+ artists, awards presented to artists. I handle marketing, communications, and coded my website. Over time, 5 chapters around the world have been created in schools based on this organization. 5000k+ raised (junior, senior year - 8 hours/week)

2. Procrastinator's Club co-founder and co-president: (a club for people to come together and not procrastinate). I present weekly powerpoints on studying tips, find and present extracurricular opportunities to members, etc. 25 members. (sophomore-senior year, 4 hours/week)

3. Microsoft internship: programming internship for microsoft store, paid. (40 hours/week, 4 weeks)

4. Diversity and inclusion internship: completed weekly assignments (read diversity books, presented mini proposals based on books. At the end, created and presented a 25-page proposal to recreate the humanities (specifically art) curriculum in my school district. Presented it to district teachers, then to the superintendent). (freshman year 6 hours/week, one year)

5. Artist and writer at a youth-led magazine group. Published 40+ art and writing works discussing climate change and environmental awareness. (2 hours/week, all year. Sophomore-senior years).

6. Multimedia director at the same youth-led magazine group. Oversee graphic designers, monthly newsletter, implement designing projects for the organization (5 hours/week, all year. Junior-senior years).

7. Part-time data entry job at the same diversity and inclusion company (where i got my year-long internship listed prior). I work directly with the CEO and recruiter, keep track of possible people for open jobs. Company has over 50 consultants, works with microsoft. (5 hours/week, all year. Sophomore-senior years).

8. Environmental club and newspaper (school-level). Joined environmental club, started an environmental chapter in our school's newspaper (2 hours/week, all year, junior-senior year).

9. Art club: member, president senior year (sophomore-senior year, 3 hours/week).

10. Published environmental research paper that I did in my school. Describes how our education system neglects to teach children about the effects of climate change (3 hours/week, two months, junior year).

11. Teams operations director for youth-led organization. Organization has 200+ people, I oversee communications and lead projects to increase engagement. (3 hours/week, all year, sophomore-senior year).

Thank you for your input!


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Here is how I would rank your extracurriculars:

1. Own Initiative - Tier 2c

2. Own Initiative - Tier 2c

3. Employment - Tier 1c

4. Employment - Tier 2c

5. Writing - Tier 3b

6. Writing - Tier 2c

7. Employment - Tier 2c

8. Interest Group - Tier 4a

9. Visual Arts - Tier 2c

10. Research - Tier 2c

11. Employment - Tier 2a (unless this is a community service organization, in which case I would say Community Service - Tier 2c)

Hope this helps!

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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