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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What do I do for a Duke waitlist?

I was waitlisted at Duke, and was wondering how I should go about writing letters and updating information. I wrote a normal letter of continued interest according to sources I found online, but also noticed that Duke has a specific portal to upload updated information. I was mainly planning on talking about new stuff about what I'm up to with my extracurriculars to upload to that additional info portal, but that overlaps with what I am discussing in my letter of continued interest. Should I include the information that I upload directly to the application portal on my letter of continued interest? Or is it better to leave out my updates on extracurriculars on my letter and only include it in what I upload to the portal? I hope that makes sense.

I was also wondering whether it would be a good idea to get an extra letter of recommendation from a teacher to send in? I can't find anywhere that specifically says whether or not this is a good idea for Duke.



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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hi @helloiamstressed!

Are you talking about the portal to upload updated information, where you edit your previous application with new accomplishments? Or are they asking for an essay-style update, on top of your letter of continued interest?

If it's the former, then you should update your application to the best of your ability and write your letter of continued interest as you would normally. Your letter will then include a recap of some of the things you changed (kind of like a "what I've been working on," written in a creative style), as well as demonstrate of course that you're still interested in attending. The waitlist is a way for colleges to make up for accepted students that didn't matriculate, so you want to assure them that if they admit you, you'll attend.

If Duke is asking for a written update from you, then I'd keep that short and factual (more like a bullet point list), and then also write your letter as you would normally. They might just want a more condensed version of the updated application, in which your letter will still be crucial in adding your perspective and insights.

For more information on letters of continued interest, check out this blog here:

Lastly, as for a second letter of recommendation, I would only do that if you feel like it can provide an important perspective that was missing in your other letters. For example, if you've worked closely in clubs with a teacher who can speak for your dedication to others, that would be worth getting an additional letter. Otherwise, it won't do much or could even backfire. An additional letter is more work for the admissions officers, and if it doesn't add anything new they might be annoyed at having to read it.

Good luck! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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