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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Compromising on Majors

I’m currently a freshman in HS and I have a good GPA and projected course load, and I’m focusing on sciences and maths. I’d really love to major in criminology, but literally almost none of the school I’m interested in offer it as a major or even a minor. IDK if it’d be worth it for me to do something like major in chem/psych and minor in criminal justice to go to a college I love, or compromise location to focus on the criminology major. For instance Km absolutely in love with Skidmore and I think it’s a good target for me, but they only offer chem and psych with no criminology or even forensic science.

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I might look into law school or policy analysis but your best bet is to email college admissions officers at the schools you're looking at and just ask them what the best route for you take would be with this career area in mind. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

Hey Sarah! I'm pretty much in the same situation you're in, but I have been able to find criminology schools that fit what I personally find perfect in a school. Maybe I can help you find what you're looking for? From what I understand, you're looking for a small liberal arts school with a criminology program. Criminology is a very niche and occupational job with very little wiggle room for a liberal education, so it can be hard finding one that fits perfectly. Can I ask what career goals you have in mind for this degree?

3 years ago

First, you have plenty of time to figure out where you want to go! If you really want criminology, try looking for more places that do have criminology as a major or minor. Keep your options open with an open mind! When it comes to jobs, you want to make sure you're marketable! There will be some criminal justice jobs that do require having other majors besides criminology or forensic science.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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