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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is AP Chemistry really difficult??

I’m going to be taking AP Chemistry next year as a junior and I was wondering if someone could give me some perspective on the class if they have taken it before. I’ve heard that the class is really hard and rigorous. This year I took regular chemistry and got straight A's (which i took this year as a sophomore) But, I don’t want to go into the class next year and fail or lower my gpa. (I have a 3.88) What was it like taking ap chemistry in your experience, was it difficult or easy? I just want to be realistically prepared for next year since I want to apply to Princeton University and major in computer science.


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3 answers

5 years ago

Hi, I took AP chemistry as a junior, and I got a B first semester and an A second semester. FYI, I got a B overall in my regular chemistry class. The school I go to has a different grading scale. A 75 or above is B and an 85 or above is an A. For me the class was a little bit tough in the beginning but as the class went through I got better at it. And the credit for that goes to my teacher. So, basically what I'm saying is if you really like the subject and you are willing to spend a lot of time studying it then you'll be fine. Also, if you want to do really good then you have to do combine studying with your classmates or anyone of your friends who is taking Ap chem next year. Studying together and sharing knowledge, I think, is important to doing well in the class.

5 years ago

Hi! I took AP Chemistry this year and it was very difficult for me. For my school, you don't take regular chemistry before AP so I had no prior experience with the course. I think a lot of the difficulty also depends on the teacher you have. The class is definitely rigorous, it requires lots of classwork and studying. Make sure you understand the concepts at the beginning of the year as they will guide you throughout the rest of the year. The course is also heavily math-based. It is pretty simple math but sometimes it is also new and confusing. Although it was really difficult for me I managed to get a B+ first semester and an A- second semester. I know the class wasn't as difficult for others, so you may think it is easy.

5 years ago

I took ap chem as a sophomore and it KILLED ME. BUT that’s because I wasn’t very good at regular chemistry. I had A’s in regular chem but I had to study pretty hard, so in AP I had to set aside entire afternoons to study to maintain my A. But if you didn’t find regular chemistry to be super hard, then you’ll be fine. It’s the exact same concepts, it just goes more in depth, so as long as you have a good grasp on those concepts from regular chem, it shouldn’t be too hard for you!

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