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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How can I improve admission chances?

I am a current Junior in high school planning to attend college directly after high school (with a major in nursing). My college is a college-prep school, however my GPA is about 2.9, with no APs or Honors. I have over 50 service hours at my local food pantry. I understand that grades are the most important in the college admissions decisions. How can I improve my chances in the college admissions process? Do I even have a solid chance of getting into college? My current top schools are... University of Alabama, Ole Miss, Texas Christian University, and University of Tampa.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

You can improve your chances by creating the best student profile possible. Yes, your grades and gpa effect your admission chances but colleges also want to see that you're a rounded student. Your college essay, school involvement, extracurricular activities, and recommendation letters all play a huge factor in your college application process. Especially if you want them to outweigh and make up for your low gpa.

3 years ago

You need to understand that nursing majors have 2 typical paths. Some colleges have what is called a direct admit which is where you apply at admission to the college of nursing and are guaranteed a spot. Other colleges are non direct admit. That means that typically you take 1-2 years of prerequisites and then the top students are admitted formally into the nursing program.

Your gpa is low for most direct entry nursing admissions. Do not expect to transfer into a nursing major at a direct admit school.

3 years ago

college admissions arent like a formula where you have this and this and this and then boom you're in. sometimes people with a lower academic profile get into schools where someone with an outstanding one doesn't. you definitely have more than a solid chance of getting into college! i would suggest you do your research on your top schools to see what they require for admission, for example a minimum gpa. you still have your first semester senior year to prove yourself! i would suggest even 1 AP or 1 honors class would show that you're trying to challenge yourself, even if you dont perform the best :)

3 years ago

I would definitely try joining more clubs and doing more activities/extracurriculars; a well-rounded student is definitely what they look for (be diverse in every aspect)! for example, there's red cross, green club, or anything else at your school. depending on which college you choose, you could take the act/sat. grade-wise, try your best and study hard and try to bring it up to at least 3.0 I'd say, and if you feel confident enough take 1-2 AP classes. Don't forget about going to camps/workshops and again, be diverse!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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