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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is this a good enough spike in writing for a T20?

I want to major in Creative Writing/English at an ivy/T20, specifically Dartmouth or Cornell. is this enough?

My ECS/Awards:

Scholastic National Silver Medalist

Georgia River of Words State Winner

8th in State for GHSA Personal Essay

Young Georgia Authors Region Winner

2022 High School Creative Writing Contest Special Recognition Winner

Poetry as a hobby for 8+ years

Young Eager Writers Internship

Literary Magazine Member

Founder of Poetry Out Loud at School

GHSA Literary Team Personal Writer

UPchieve Volunteering (Primarily in Reading)

Learn to Be Volunteering (In Reading)

Junior Editor at Polyphony Lit

Mentee at Girls Write Now (Premier, Yearlong Mentorship. Possibly, consider it for now)

Purple Pearls Member (Possible Secretary) It is a community service club.

Varsity Track and Field

Varsity Cross Country

NHS (Possible Officer)

Thespian Society

Chorus (Unsure if this is an extracurricular. Advanced Class (Which you had to audition for), After school concerts, and frequent soloist.)


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2 answers

3 years ago

You demonstrate a strong spike in writing and your ECs are competitive for T20 schools. The only improvement I would suggest is to tie your writing/creative activities together through your essays. Relate them all to a central goal or career direction, and you will be set.

To answer your other question, chorus counts as an extracurricular. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

This is DEFINITELY enough. You have a major spike in literature, specifically writing. I can also see you are passionate about using your skill to make an impact in the community. It really shows how dedicated you are, but I'll try to break your profile down:

There are a few things that makes your spike stand out:

- Competition: Scholastic National Silver Medalist (NATIONALLY RANKED too which is really really impressive given how many applicants Scholastic gets), Georgia River of Words State Winner & Young Georgia Authors Region Winner (regionally ranked is very very good too), GHSA Literary Team Personal Writer

- Summer or yearly program/Clubs: Mentee at Girls Write (leadership skills), Founder of Poetry Out Loud at School (again, showing your leadership skills and your ability to take initiative), Thespian Society,

- Employment: Young Eager Writers Internship, Junior Editor at Polyphony Lit

- Service: UPchieve Volunteering, Learn to Be Volunteering,

- Extra: Varsity Track and Cross Country, NHS, Purple Pearls, Advanced Chorus

All of these together form a very good profile.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University




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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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