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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What extracurriculars can I do from now till Jan 1st?

Hello, hello!

Rising Senior here looking for ways to strengthen my application. I found my theme or “spike” a little late which is music and biology. I’m other words I want to mix the 2 subjects. I plan on majoring in both biology or something similar and business (I know it’s strange since I mentioned music but my academic interests are biology and business and a hobby I love is making and listening to music). What can I do now till Jan 1st when I have to submit applications?

(I do not plan on applying anywhere ED/EA)


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4 answers

3 years ago

have you considered conducting research that explores the effect of biology on music, or vice versa? you can experiment on how memory retention increases with musical practice, or how different types of instruments have conditioned the anatomy of musicians (like how pianists have flexible fingers, or how violinists have stronger forearms). the suggestions above are guesses I made based on my own musical experience, but you're welcome to use them in your own ventures. good luck!

3 years ago

Hello @youfoundwill,

I'm an adviser here on CollegeVine, so if you have more questions - feel free to book a consultation.

I, too, was a double major in biology and something else (Art, for me!).

Many formal internships have probably filled at this point for the summer, but I would still reach out to the volunteer coordinators at your closest museum, aquarium, or other 'science-focused' learning institution and see if there are any roles you can fill. Last-minute drop outs of volunteers do happen, it's just a matter of being the most proactive person in a generation that usually is shy about cold emailing or picking up the phone.

If you truly want to "mix" biology and music, how about starting a YouTube channel or TikTok where you make songs that help students study? It sounds corny, but biology professors love sharing these videos with their students, and it'll give you a nice 'outreach and volunteering' portion to your spike without having to rely on volunteer spots being available.

I would also recommend that you contact any schools that need summer tutors, or work with your own school about mentoring/providing tutoring students to at-risk students.

Hope that helps!


3 years ago

I'd say either compete a a high level in music or bio OR join some kind of organization for biology. Maybe start a project, join a bio related club, get a bio related summer internship, volunteer somewhere like a clinic or something. I'm not sure how you'd mix music and biology though. Not in an extracurricular.

3 years ago

I would suggest applying to one of these summer music programs. If you are unable to find extracurriculars that directly mix biology and music, the next best thing would be to focus on each field individually. Hope this helps!

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