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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I Take Precalc or College Algebra If I Want To Major In Psychology?

I want to pursue a career in clinical psychology and I am having difficulty with which class would look good on my transcript and help me with my major. I’ve heard information about both classes but can’t decide on college algebra or pre calculus. Any suggestions? (for context i am currently a junior finishing algebra 2)

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Honestly, you will never use Calculus as a Psych major. Never.

So you should pick the math that you can get an A in. That will look better than a B in Pre-Calc if you struggle with math.

One consideration I would offer as advise to is not related to curriculum. It's to have a good SAT or ACT test score. Since you are not a STEM major, you will impress admissions officers if you can study and test prep well and get at high SAT or ACT composite test score. I would highly encourage you to do this because having a high test score will only help you, not hurt your chances of getting into better colleges.

Good luck.

3 years ago

Since neither math class has a direct application to psychology, either one will look good on your transcript. With this in mind, I recommend taking college algebra since it will likely be easier for you. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

I would say yes. Colleges require calculus regardless of major, so demonstrating proficiency in math is important.

3 years ago

If you are trying to pick between the 2 I would go with pre calculus since that will help better prepare you for college and the higher level maths you will have to take. College algebra is not as required for things. Anyway I would definitely choose to take pre calculus over college algebra especially if you can take it in honors because I think it will look better on your transcript.

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