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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Extra Curriculars Advice Needed!

Hi, I'm a rising Junior and I have almost no extracurriculars except for taking an online course for pe credit and a student-led organization at my school- would it likely be affecting my college admissions? During the summer of 8th->9th grade, I literally did nothing due to covid. However, during the summer of 9th->10th grade, I took an online course (1.0 credit) for science credit.

Because summer break is almost here and I hadn't signed up for anything (and I think it's too late to sign up for programs as all of the programs I've seen are all closed), I was wondering if you have any extracurricular recommendations. Also, I'm planning to take an online pe course during the summer to get it out of my way. If there's an online organization (or even in person) that looks great in college, please recommend those.

Thank you!


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4 answers

3 years ago

Hi! It's a good idea to choose an interest area when looking for extracurriculars. So if you wanted to work with STEM or the arts or anything like that you could do a google search about those specifically. Also, it might not be too late for summer programs, especially for those in July. If you can't find those sorts of things, then you could look into getting some community service hours over the summer. It never hurts to show that you help your community! Look into charities in your area, or even just non-profits (especially those that do something you're passionate about) they could almost definitely use your help. Organizations in your area are better if you want to do in-person work, but you can also look for online opportunities. Hope this helps!

3 years ago

My advice for anyone in this situation is to start a passion project based on something you have been interested in for the past few years. Use the few years of doing no extracurriculars to say you were preparing to start this project by taking certain classes in schools, etc. (Make sure that the classes actually relate to what you are doing, and be honest about why you started it) Then, start the project over the summer, grow a small part of the community, and use it as your main extracurricular for college.

3 years ago

nope! id recommend having some extracurriculars though. at least 3. they don't have to be students lead. maybe get a job, do community service, or sign up to learn how to play an instrument!

3 years ago


I see you are also an online P.E. course taker. :)

There are still SOOO many opportunities that you could do during your summer (especially since you are an upcoming junior). Some examples of what you could do are listed in the extracurricular section of the CollegeVine account creator. A quick (but specific) Google search can also help you find digital organizations that you can either start or help out with (by creating and monitoring your own initiatives)!

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