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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I apply without SAT or ACT in 2022-23 cycle?

I am Dibakar and I am from India.I live in Tripura state of India which is far away from mainland India.I have been a National level scholar in Physics Olympiad organised by SOF .Moreover,I have done some research work on superconducting materials with a supervisor from college and have published a research paper on it.I have also represented Tripura U-16 cricket team in Interstate cricket tournament-2019 and was among the leading run scorers.I have done works on science exhibition and my project was selected among one of the top 20 science projects in National level science exhibition-2020.There I met some seniors who told me about US top schools s and told me to prepare for SAT.I score easily around 1550+ on SAT I which I took on khan academy.I have 89% in 9th grade,94% in 10th grade and 93% in 11th grade and predicting my marks to be around 94-95% on 12th boards.I don't know how to calculate GPA but this might correspond to 3.9 out of 4.0,I don't know.But the problem is that nearest centre for SAT is in Guwahati which like 400km away from my home.And recently due heavy rainfall in Assam,various landslides took place in Haflong and many roads were shut down.The train line is shut down for 6 months.I don't think I will be able to give the SAT.So,I wanted to ask if I could apply without SAT or will affect my application?

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2 answers

3 years ago

Hi! From what I've seen many schools have been test-optional since COVID, this isn't a guarantee but there's a good chance that when you apply this will still be true. Although it would probably be worth it to inform the college about your circumstances as to why you couldn't take the test, as they would want to take it into consideration.

3 years ago

Hi Dibakar!

Some colleges require SAT and ACT scores, while others do not. I would check CommonApp or the university's website beforehand to check if the applications are test optional.

For example, Harvard is test optional for the next few years, while MIT decided to bring back test scores this upcoming year.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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