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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Becoming an Entrepreneur as a Rising Senior


I am interested in going into the business field and am a rising senior. I want to grow in my extracurriculars and my friends recommended I start a business. I really really want to create my own business (it sounds so fun to me), but I can't think of a single thing to sell. I looked up different ideas but they were all very generic.

I am not really artistic (I do some graphic design) but other than that my only other hobbies are reading, daydreaming, and sleeping (if that counts haha).

Any advice for things to sell is appreciated! I've taken different business classes (from marketing to accounting) and my dad is an entrepreneur so I will have some sort of a foundation if I were to create a business.

Thank you!

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@clairedrury3 years ago

Hi! I currently own a gift-wrapping service called Paper & Bows Wrapping Co. and I thought for sure I would be looking to sell a product when owning a business, but I personally think selling a service is much easier for a beginner and is cheaper. Since you do some graphic design, I would look into making social media ads for small businesses in your area since so many small businesses don't know how to make professional looking social media posts. I would look into using Canva.

[🎤 AUTHOR]@moon_s3 years ago

thank you so much!

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7 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Start small and work your way up in sales and designs. I started selling 3D printed fidget spinners to my friends back in middle school (6th to 8th grade). You have to hop onto a trend and make/sell a product that you know people would be interested in. Right now, I am selling custom "Starbucks" (drink cups) that I customize with my Cricut. I also am selling fidget toys that were never sold back in middle school because seniors in high school are incredibly anxious and are excited to play with "kid toys" again. To get your product out to people, start by selling to friends and family members, and they will get other people to buy your product.

You said that you do a little bit of graphic design and that you like books, so maybe you could redesign a book cover of your favorite book to what you see fits the text according to how you interpreted the story.

I hope this helps : )


2 years ago[edited]

Xero Stripe integration is an exciting opportunity for businesses that want to streamline their accounting processes. By integrating the two platforms, businesses can automate their payments and invoicing, allowing them to spend less time on manual tasks and more time on growing and developing their business. So, that is why xero stripe integration is the best one according to the statistics and it is helping a lot.

2 years ago[edited]

Hey guys! Have you ever considered about how to improve your business with various modern features and to improve it with online marketplace. I heard a plenty of positive things and how to build a service marketplace is the place where you can without any problems get information from specialists in this sphere. Online marketplace is getting the popularity if you are considering to improve your business work, to attract new customers and to perform it effective.

2 years ago

That is why I also pay attention to all possible ways to perform it. I suggest to use the help of professionals.

3 years ago

Hi! I own an essential oil candle and perfume business called Made By Madeline and I can definitely relate to the fears of starting and managing a business! I think it is so fun however I strongly recommend starting a business in something you're passionate about - don't do it just to do it. One thing to keep in mind is not all businesses sell product!

An alternative idea to selling a product is offering services! Are you hard-working and have great attention to detail? What about offering cleaning services? Do you like to bake? Selling baked goods is super popular! You like to read - do you like writing and have something that you can write about and offer knowledge on?

The ideas are endless! It just takes a bit of imagination and I know you can do it! Try to start by making a list of things you're passionate about! What get's you excited? What to you enjoy learning about? What skills do you have?

I also concur that Canva is a great resource for starting a business!

3 years ago

This doesn't fully answer your question exactly, but if you're interested in a summer program, there is a really cool one called LaunchX and it's run by MIT. Here's the link:

3 years ago

Hi! I am a current sophomore entrepreneur. My advice to anyone who cannot figure out quite where their selling point is yet is to sell online planners. With a background in graphic design and a small budget, this model works well. From there, you can find your niche and expand. I have run my own business since eighth grade and I will tell you, once you find what you are good at, stick with it and market it. I took one of my favorite things, 3D printing, and created a 3D printing farm by finding a community of people looking to outsource their 3D printing needs, but I started by just selling the planning lists I had made of what I wanted to print for myself. Use social media to your advantage, find a selling point, and take off running.

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