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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Does it make sense for me to take APs in humanities courses and stem courses for my intended major(s)?

For more information, I want to be a mechanical engineering major, but I currently am trying to decide if I want to have a minor in economics or a double major both. I am very passionate about building things, but I also love economics. I plan to apply to law school, I know that it doesn't really matter what major you get before, but economics can help prepare and I do have a passion for it. I am told consistently to take APs in courses that align or have a connection to my intended major or major subject, but my intended major(s) are in two different fields with the only similarity being mathematics. I do not know what to do and I have already chosen classes for next year in both. Am I making a mistake?

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I think that you made the right move by taking AP classes in both subject areas. Since you plan on majoring and minoring in humanities and STEM, it will look good to show your passion for both areas. You will also demonstrate a talent in interdisciplinary learning this way, which will certainly be impressive. Many students are only able to take AP level classes in either STEM or humanities instead of both. Hope this helps!

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