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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Looking for ways to add to resume during Covid

4.05 GPA, 33 act superscored, I am in a volunteering club, Students Against Destructive Decisions club, Debate club, and am on the varsity Baseball team. I also have been playing instruments consistently for the a while, but have not been taking lessons for the past few years, just playing for fun. I have been working consistent jobs since I was 12, as an umpire, working as a server at a retirement home when I was 15, and currently working at a carwash for the past 2 years, as I am currently 17. I have won awards for the highest spring sports GPA this past year, being a scholar-athlete for two consecutive years, which consists of having above a 3.5 GPA for the duration of the season. I also have two academic letters, from maintaining a 4.0 or above the whole year, and a varsity letter from being on varsity baseball as a junior. I currently volunteer weekly at my local library helping with children's activities and will begin volunteering for my church doing odd jobs. By the time high school will be over, I will have taken 6 honors classes, and 11 ap classes. I am wondering what else I can do to help my case for good universities?

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[🎤 AUTHOR]@bd75 years ago

I forgot to mention, the 4.05 gpa is weighted, my unweighted is about 3.8

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2 answers

5 years ago[edited]


5 years ago

You have a high chance of getting into Case Western (better than 50% IMO). Their avg UGPA is 3.86 (A-) their 25%/75% stats range for SAT are 1360/1480 and for ACT 31/34 based on the 2019-2020 common data set so your 33 puts in solidly in the stats range 63% percentile. You didn't disclose your AP scores but if you took 11, I would only submit the 4s and 5s. And your ECs are solid. You didn't disclose what you are majoring in so I can't tell if your future major aligns with your passions or ECS. Base on your info, CW is a hard target school for you. I'd pick some harder reach schools as well. Best of luck in your college admissions journey.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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