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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Ideas for improving my resume?

Hi, I’m a rising sophomore, and I need some advice on what I should do in my remaining high school years to improve my resume.

Here’s what I’ve got from freshman year:

- weighted GPA is a 4.16, unweighted 4.0

- courses: spanish I, english I H, chemistry H, algebra II/trigonometry, AP human geography (still waiting on AP score)

- sports: track JV level and cross country, and I’ve struggled with low iron levels and shin splints so I’m not a top athlete

- no school clubs… sadly

Here are some notable things I’ve participated in:

- national charity league: I have completed around 300 service hours the past few years, the program involves leadership skills, I’ve worked with local charities, and the program lasts from 7th grade to senior year

- american chemical society first year chemistry exam: I got a good score but didn’t win anything

- I raised money for Ukraine by making bracelets with friends, and we donated around $2000 to charity

What should I do in coming years, especially in terms of extracurriculars? I was thinking of joining model united nations, NSHSS, NHS, some smaller club, and maybe job shadowing. I’m planning to take the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. By the end of high school I’ll have taken around 12 AP courses. My high school doesn’t offer any IB. My main interests are science and math but for the most part I love all subjects equally, and for a career I’m thinking law, surgery, or something science- related. I’m going to participate in extracurriculars tailored to my interests that also don’t destroy my mental health or take too much time.

Any suggestions to make me stand out to top colleges?

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Welcome to the community!! You already have a great portfolio to start with! The only thing lacking is an extracurricular tailored toward your interest/career. So an internship at a law firm or a hospital would help your portfolio. One thing you might need to know is that colleges don't care about what clubs you join. They don't care if you are in NHS or model UN. They care more about what you do in those clubs. So don't stress if you aren't a part of any of those clubs. Follow-up question: could you elaborate on the "leadership skills" that you gained in the National charity league?

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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