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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do I start a research project?

I’m looking to work on a long term research project during high school involving neurobiological science, but I’m not sure where to start. If I want to do independent research or intern with a professor, do I need research experience from other programs? Also, what’s the benefit of a mentor and why do I exactly need one? Do mentors have to be near where I live or can I work with one remotely? Lastly, does science research have to involve experimentation in a lab or are there alternative possibilities?

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3 years ago

No, there are plenty of science internship programs for high school students who are looking to discover something new that they have little to no experience in, typically designed to either prepare you for college or see if you would be well fit to a particular scientific field. However, these are often done in (small) groups, so you would likely have a research team with fellow students and college students/advisers (which may prove beneficial in reaching a goal. Usually these groups come up with a research project together). If you particularly want to do something privately, it may be best to reach out to the professors or professionals that run these programs. Oftentimes, these programs can be found through your college admissions counselor or by asking (local) colleges if they offer research opportunities for high schoolers. You don't necessarily need a mentor if you will be interning. If you want someone to privately mentor you, it will be harder to find, but not impossible. If you want to speak with another professional or professor that has studied in the field of science you want to look into, you could then find someone to speak with remotely. Scientific research also involves learning how to do write-ups and present your research, but the particular observations and conclusions are often done in a lab.

All this knowledge is just my personal experience, so if I misspoke, I apologize! Good luck!

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