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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I get into an Ivy league?

I am a Indian student studying in a small private school in a small city.

I am In class 10th and have a GPA OF 95 (out of 100 scale) In 9th, aiming for getting around 95 in 10th too.


1. I have been in visual arts since I was in class 5th so I have won multiple inter-house and Inter-school competitions, this year I got 1st rank in senior category in the biggest regional competition In which over 20 schools contested.

2. I made a project on conservation of biomass and energy which got selected on district level under Inspire Manak Award.

3. I am Vice Captain of a house in our school so I am a member of school cabinet.

4. I started playing badminton giving 1-2 hours per day, 6 days a week.

5 I have participated In multiple inter-house debate and declamation competitions and won multiple prizes.

6. I contested in Space Olympiad and got first rank in whole school , got first rank in class in Science Olympiad.

7. I have been in multiple street plays as a volunteer.

Can I get Into an Ivy? And what are the schools I should consider applying? Ans I will be applying for a Financial Aid.


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

It is extremely difficult for anyone to get admitted into an Ivy College because all 8 of them have an average 95% rejection rate. And in that rejection pool are literally 10s of thousands of applicants with perfect grades, test scores, course rigor, awesome ECs, recommendations and IV/IC, spikes, and other talents.

What makes it more competitive for Int'l Students who apply for financial aid is that it costs the schools about $14,000+ more per student to fully fund an international student because they do not qualify for Federal and State aid provided to the schools from government funding. In addition, International do not qualify for work-study programs. So a student applying to Yale might get $6500 in Pell Grants from the US Fed. Govt, $4000 in CT State grants and $3500 in work-study aid. So if Yale costs $86,000, then Yale has to shell out $86,000 for an Int'l Student but only $72,000 for an American with the same Financial need. Picking an American saves the school $56,000 in financial aid over 4 years.

For this reason alone, you will learn over the next couple of years, that there are actually very few colleges in the US that will fully fund an Int'l student unless they are extremely compelling both in academic achievement and other qualities.

Therefore my advice to all international students is the same regardless of what country you come from. Don't assume the standards of getting into an Ivy, Elite, or Top Liberal Arts college are some logical formula based on your grades or test scores. While your academic MERIT does factor into the decision, you need other ingredients like awesome writing ability in English composition evidenced by your essays, awesome ECs and leadership roles, great community service, and evidence that you are overall a great caring, empathetic, compassionate human that wants to make the world a better place. And if you are a star Athlete, well that always helps if you can compete at the US College level.

Since you are limited by your college choices by who can offer you the best aid, I think it would be best for you to research all the US colleges that give the most financial aid to international students. That shouldn't take too long since the list is less than 25 schools.

Good luck

3 years ago

The American admissions process is too unpredictable to guarantee that you'll be admitted to an Ivy league, but you do seem to be a competitive applicant. My advice would be to build a balanced list of safeties, targets, and reaches(try at least two each). You can check which schools fit into the above categories for you through the CollegeVine chancing simulator. Try taking an SAT practice test on Khan Academy to input into the simulator. You can take the actual SAT anytime before applying, more than once if necessary. Other than the Ivy league universities, some other top universities are MIT, Stanford, Duke, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, Rice, CalTech, and University of Chicago.

Hope this helps.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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