Would that count towards the two years of foreign language requirements for some schools like UC schools and other schools that require 2 years of foreign language. Also which schools out of the Ivy Leagues, Stanford, and UC schools require two or more years of foreign language.
Short answer: No.
Long answer: UC schools Ivies and Elites do not give you full credit for language courses you took in middle school. Otherwise, everyone would be doing this as a loophole.
So you should be prepared to take 3 years of language at top schools regardless during your HS career. At Harvard and Yale, it's better if you take 1 foreign language each year of high school or for 4 years.
It is very common these days for admits at these schools to have 5 or more years of a foreign language because while they start in middle school with French or Spanish, they take 4 years in HS including, French iii, French iv, AP French, and AP independent study in French.
There are no shortcuts if that is what you were looking for. When colleges state upfront 2 or more or 3 or more, you need to pay attention to the more part, not the minimum required part. Why? Because 90% of applicants don't get into UCLA and UCBerkeley, and 95%-96% don't get into Stanford and Ivys.
I would bet that in the large rejection pile are literally thousands of students that have exceeded the minimum course rigor for these schools.
Good luck.
I’m not an expert at this, but generally UC schools require the foreign language classes to be taken during high school. Assuming that you are entering your Sophomore year, try to register for language classes during Sophomore and Junior year. If that is not possible, take the classes at your local community college. Stanford requires three or more years, Harvard 4 years. However, some other Ivy league/prestigious schools encourage 4 years, but it is not required. Hope that answers your question!
To keep this community safe and supportive:
e. Language other than English 2 years
or equivalent to the 2nd level of high school instruction