2 years ago
Admissions Advice



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@emfrnk2 years ago

Although I am no expert in this field... but I am experiencing similar falls in my career. I do not think a 3.74 is bad, and as long as you bounce back this upcoming year, I don't believe wholeheartedly that you have completely desecrated your chances... You should probably volunteer more and participate more in the community to sort of override this class. Depending on the class as well, or your school's system of grading, your C may not even be considered for admissions. It is ok to struggle!

[🎤 AUTHOR]@aows.112 years ago

I’m going into my senior year this upcoming school year, I plan to apply in October. Do you think I can increase my gpa before that? I’m taking a college class, and a couple AP semester classes.

@emfrnk2 years ago

Early decision will look great! Just make sure your school reports GPA quarterly or you have a determined GPA prior to your application! The AP semester classes will look great and will look even better if they see that you are taking them that specific semester! The college classes and other extracurriculars will look great too! Although you got a C, taking challenging classes where you struggle a bit shows perseverance!

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2 answers

2 years ago

UPitt does care about GPA a lot since 63% had a 4.0 or better, and 18% had a GPA between 3.75-3.99. Only 11% of admits had a GPA between 3.50 and 3.74 and they might be recruited as athletes or people recruited for their talents. I don't think having a C on your transcript hurts you as much as your cumulative GPA. You have some Bs on your transcript as well. And just to be clear, we are talking about a 3.74 unweighted GPA correct? Not a weighted one.

I highly recommend that you do NOT apply early and use the extra time to prop up your GPA to a 3.8+, show you can do college-level work by challenging yourself with APs, and take the SAT a couple more times. Also, you can use the extra time to make sure you have the best essay and recommendations.

The Middle SAT range at UPitt 2 cycles ago was 1250-1470 so you are currently below the bottom range. You really need to be in the 1350-1400 range since your GPA is borderline/low for UPitt.

While admitting rates for applying early are higher, it's not a sure thing for you since your GPA is lower than average as well as your test scores.

Good luck.

2 years ago[edited]

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Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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