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3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Would this extracurricular activity be impressive to Cornell’s Hotel School?

Hello. I have attached below the information I plan on submitting in my Common App activities and additional information sections. I am unsure how impressive the admissions officers at Cornell would consider this to be, but I am hoping that it would make up for my lack of physical hotel experience. Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Activities Section:

Founder and CEO, (Business Name)

Single-handedly list, negotiate, and rent over 50 hotels and resorts; accommodated 175+ guests and earned $100k since July 2021. See additional info

Additional Information:

(Business Name) is a property management business that I started during my Sophomore year. I provide white-glove concierge travel services for business travelers, individuals, and families. My services include assisting my clients in locating a property that fits their needs, communicating directly with the hotel or resort, creating a customized travel guidebook, and serving as the single point of personal contact for any other needs. In addition to the support I offer my guests, I also provide hotels with an opportunity to make extra revenue by allowing me to rent their unsold inventory on platforms like Airbnb and VRBO.

Awards associated with this activity:

· Airbnb Superhost

· VRBO Premier Host

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Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

Sounds super impressive to me. Even more so than applicants who have front desk work experience in High School. You found a niche business that exploits unsold inventory and while still providing top drawer concierge service. Bravo. Good for you. I doubt that there are many Hotel School applicants that have an EC like that.

One thing you should do is visit Ithaca and stay at the hotel run by students/admin and take copious notes and see if there is anything you would do differently. Why? Because I think that shows great initiative and ability to use your voice to express your opinions and defend them.

Good luck.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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