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2 years ago
Admissions Advice


So I know its important that you're spike aligns with your interest/passion but say I was going to a college for business but my true passion is sports. Should I still dedicate my spike to Sports like I play football, basketball and I was team captain in football and i was all conference 2nd team in basketball, I am founder and president of football club, I am president of ultimate frisbee. I also started a blog with my friend where i recap Broncos Games. I also have a tutoring business, and do FBLA but should my spike be dedicated to sports or business which I am applying to in the future.


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

In my opinion, you should most definitely be mentioning both sides, sports and business. Because you have high leadership and were in lots of these sports, it'll definitely distinguish you. Colleges love when you show leadership also. And you also have lots of business ventures which will also up your value to the colleges. Since your true passion is sports, its important to let them know more about the sports opportunities you're involved in. Hope this helps!

2 years ago

Hi! I would add everything that you have done during high school. With the leadership skills you can show through the different activities you listed it can help the major you want to go into.

2 years ago

Sports are the one thing that can't be your spike.

This does come with a few exceptions. If you are an exceptional athlete (i.e. you compete at national/international level in sport of your choice), that could certainly be a spike of yours. The other option would be to become a recruitable athlete, which essentially means that you're mainly, if not exclusively, seeking admission based on your athletic merit, which would also require you to have pretty exceptional talent in terms of a sport. Based on your brief description of your sporting experience, it seems like you wouldn't be a good fit for either one of the two above paths.

However, all of your sports roles do make for pretty good activities to add for "Activity #3" through "Activity #7", as they do communicate leadership and initiative on your behalf. They could also make for pretty sweet essays, so do continue on pursuing your sporting interests; however, do that under the understanding that you will need an actual academic spike.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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