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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Where can I take AP classes Online for free or not.

I am looking forward to taking AP classes but my school doesnt offer any, so I have decided to to take it online but I dont know where I can do that. I already know the classes I would want to take. Any suggestions and tips?


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3 answers

5 years ago

Go visit the portal which is a consortium of top colleges both American and International. There you will find many AP offerings. Most are free if you just want to audit them. If you want a certificate of completion, you pay between $49 and $169 depending on the length of the course and who is teaching it. Most of them are self-paced so you can start today or tomorrow and access the course anytime you want. There are quizzes and tests. If you audit, then you have to finish the course in a set time. If you pay, you have a like a year or so. I've done a few and they are really good if you don't mind learning watching videos and pdf texts. You don't get a text book.

5 years ago[edited]


5 years ago

I live in Florida and we have Florida Virtual School and basically I can take an AP class (or honors or anything else) there for free and it goes on my transcript and I take the test. I suggest you check to see if your state has one. If not, FLVS lets non-residents take courses but it costs money to do so. It would go on your transcript (I think, I'm not sure for non-residents) so it may be worth it since colleges could see it and it would help your GPA. You can also do self-study and just take the test. This is a good option since you would have a score to show colleges but it won't help your GPA.

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