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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I submit AP Scores or SAT to NYU?

I'm unsure if I should submit my AP scores or SAT to NYU. I have a 1410 SAT, but I have a 3 on APUSH, a 4 on APCSP, and a 5 on AP US Government. I have decent ECS, and my essays should be fine. I am also applying to Tandon CS or Stern Finance as my top choice. Please let me know.

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1 answer

2 years ago

Hi @vibhavsaik,

Thanks for your question. Yes, this is a tough one because during the pandemic there have been lots of debates on the blogs including CV on where the cutoffs should be with regards to submitting SAT or ACT scores.

I think 2-3 years ago 1410 would be an okay score to send into NYU sort of on the lower band of the 50% percentile range, like a 25% percentile score. These days, it's not. NYU reported a median SAT score of 1550 during the last admission cycle. Here is the article.

Class of 2025 median was 1540 on the SAT

What that means to me is that although a 1/3 or more do not submit test scores, the ones that do have very high ones.

The caveat to this is if you are Black, LatinA, or indigenous person of color. Then I do think that submitting a 1410 is a great score to submit. But if you are White or from an over-represented minority like Indian/Pakistani/Korean/Chinese, then you really need a 1550+ SAT at NYU these days because they get over 105,000 applications for about 6700 freshman seats.

Keep in mind that Stern is one of the hardest colleges at NYU to get into so their acceptance rate is not 12.2% but like 7% last cycle, and expect it to be like 6% this cycle.

With regards to your APs, I wouldn't submit the 3 APUSH because NYU doesn't give out AP credit for 3s. I would submit the 4 for APCSP and 5 for USGOV. You would get credit for those 2 courses.

At this point, what you describe as your academic and EC narrative is not very compelling for NYU CS Tandon school of engineering or Stern.

Good luck.

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