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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

How badly will a single D affect my chances in 2022?

I took an online summer health course to get a health credit so I could fill up on more advanced classes during the school year. My counselor told me as I applied that the grade would not go into GPA calculation, so I made off with a D.

Fast forward to the end of summer and my counselor just told me that it is going into GPA calculation and there's nothing I can do to change it.

This is absolutely crushing. I've been busting my butt to maintain a >3.85 with 6 IB classes and this has dropped my GPA to a 3.79. I want to be competitive in prestigious schools, and I'm confident that I can pump out some really good essays, but now I'm thinking they might not even look at my application, especially with how many applicants there are nowadays.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago


Thanks for your question.

Your D grade will draw a lot of attention to itself compared to the rest of your transcript. There is no doubt that any college admissions officers will take notice of this mark.

If you are going into 12th grade as a senior, there is not much you can do about this. If you are going to be an 11th grader, then the older the grade is the better. Just make sure your 11th and 12th grades are mostly As.

Let's cut to the chase because you want to know the collateral damage of this grade. The impact of the D on your transcript is directly proportionate to the prestige/clout/rank of the colleges to which you are applying. So if you are applying to Ivys, Top Elites like Stanford, UChicago, Duke, NorthWestern, Vanderbilt, Rice, MIT, Caltech, and Top Liberal Arts colleges like Amherst, Pomona, Williams, Swarthmore, I'd say its a coin flip whether or not your application gets tossed before it gets doled out to an application reader.

If you are applying to T50-T100 schools, I think they will be more lenient about reading your application. So these might be schools ranked 25 to 100 to be more specific.

Maybe this is not the answer you are looking for but contemplate this. Let's say Princeton gets 40,000 applications for 1350 seats. They accept 1600 because they have an 84% yield rate. Your answer is in the 96% application pool that got rejected. Why? Because most of these applicants were not just shooting their shots. I read somewhere that the Princeton Dean of Admissions said the quality of the pool of applicants is so high at Princeton that if he had the room he would personally feel that if 8X times the admit pool could be admitted, they would be successful at Princeton students. So that's like 12,800 students that deserved to get in but didn't.

So I'm going to talk about 2 important points. Getting into a prestigious college is not a guarantee even if you are an ALDC applicant (recruited athlete, legacy, development donor kid, or faculty brat). It's a function of how the admissions committee chooses to shape the incoming class of freshmen to suit their needs. It's like a Casting Call, 40,000 show up, 1600 make the cut and 1350 get to be in the movie for 4 years because 250 were trying out for other parts in other movies. So the first point is that it's not a meritocratic process with some logical cut-offs. Would you even be considered a strong applicant at Princeton with a 3.85 and 6 IBs? Maybe, maybe not. What if for the next cycle, someone from your demographic needs a 3.95 and a 42 IB diploma and a 1560+ SAT or 36 ACT?

The 2nd point is what you decide to do now that you have a D on your record will define your personal character on your college application. I asked my dad the architect if he ever got a D. And he said yes. During HS he got a D in Chemistry. For some reason, he took Chem before Bio in 10th grade, and nothing made sense to him. Once he fell behind he couldn't recover. So what did he do? He decided to take full ownership of it and make sure that he got all As the rest of high school. When he had interviews at Ivy's, he told them that he had a D on his transcript because he got over his skis thinking that he could figure things out but instead it snowballed and he crashed at the bottom of the hill. He didn't get into his top choice colleges but he got into 75% of his college list. I think he still has not fully forgiven himself for not trying harder in HS but this stain on his record is like a battle scar. It's part of him but not the part that defines him.

So my best advice is to own it and make adjustments to your college list. You might have to apply to more colleges than other people because it's a numbers game, and unfortunately, the only way you can hope to get into a prestigious college is if someone gives you a chance and a break.

Good luck.

2 years ago

It will affect your GPA, but a 3.79 is still good, if not exceptional. If you're really worried about it, ask ur counsellor if you can take it as an online class and replace the grade that you got. If that doesn't work, try explaining the situation during your college application.

2 years ago

I wouldn't stress about it too much trust me I did was in your situation when I got a B that dropped my gpa to a 3.8. As long as your GPA Is above a 3.5 it's impressive.

2 years ago

Why would you allow yourself to get a D in a super easy nothing class regardless of whether your counselor gave you accurate or inaccurate information? That is as irresponsible as jumping off a bridge or drinking something or taking a pill that you don't know what's in it right?

I'm sure you feel bad about it enough already but you need to figure out how to expunge this from your transcript. I would beg your counselor to retake the course over senior year and promise to get at least a B in it, perhaps she will work with you to swap it out if you do so.

Good luck.

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