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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

What can I do to stand out more?

I am in the class of 2022, and will be going into my junior year next year. I feel like I am not doing enough for my application right now. I am looking for ways to boost it. Here are some of the things that I am interested in as well as some of the things that I have already done.

Varsity Track and Field (since freshman year) went to sectionals

Orchestra. I have played violin since 7th grade and I played viola before. I have been in regional since my freshman year and I was an alternate for all state this year. I am the concertmaster of my high school orchestra and I am in my cities youth orchestra which is nationally recognized.

I am in HOSA and won 1st at RLC and SLC and am competing at ILC this week.

I am in Speech and Debate and AMC (Math Club)

I am a mentor for underclassmen at my school

I tutor at Kumon

I am the president of a Youth Philanthropy chapter at my school which is connected to OSU.

I am starting a nonprofit for underprivileged students in my city.

I am interested in music, history, biology, biochemistry. I am looking for more ways to get involved with my interests.

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2 answers

5 years ago[edited]


5 years ago

Assuming you are going for ivy+ schools (Harvard,mit Stanford rice etc) if you want to go to a public school that is anything other than Virginia UCLA UC Berk Mich you should be fine

So I see great clubs but I see a lack of leadership essentially few presidents or officers so run for like 3 places At end of junior year run for these positions.

Also from your username you seem to be of Asian ethnicity and you definitely aren’t a stereotypical applicant so that is a big plus.

First of all I’d say forget about the nonprofit it is kinda a bit too cliche and doesn’t fit into into any of your majors and you are tutoring so helping others is still fulfilled.

Some suggestions for bio ECs

Science Olympiad


Chem/Bio club


Blog about a rare historical event each week or something similiar

Join a history club etc


Keep doing orchestra

History is your weakest area just to keep in mind.

This year if you decide you aren’t interested in the sciences


Not like go History

Drop the history related clubs

Not like music


But if you ever drop something becuase of time restraints/studying I’d drop debate as you received few accolades there and is not super relevant to you major(s)

Hope this helps

Comment if you need clarification

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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