what kind of out side school activities do i need to get involved with so i can higher the chance of getting into one of the top premed schools in the US?
are there any clinical extracurricular activities in NYC for people who does not live there? i live in a small town and there’s no opportunities around me but i have relatives who live in nyc and my parents would let me stay with them so that’s the only option, as of right now.
what are some of the summer 2023 programs available to look at and maybe register in the next 6 month?
what are some recommended college summer programs for high schoolers?
This blog post has some suggestions for medicine-related extracurriculars you can take on.
The best way to find clinical activities in NYC would be to email medical practices and ask if they would be interested in taking on a shadower or intern. Besides that, there are non-clinical programs in NYC that would look great on your application - you can find them on this list. Hope this helps!
Well, it really depends on what major you are doing. Pre-med is a track or a program and a lot of the times you declare you are doing pre-med when you apply to colleges. Extracurricularwise doing research projects, job shadowing, or even interning at local clinics can help and give experience which looks good.
You can try volunteering
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