2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Are 3 AP classes enough for Junior year?

Hi, I am a Junior and student-athlete taking 3 AP courses this year. I originally signed up for 5 ap classes but could only get into 3 due to limited space. I'm currently taking AP Physics 1, AP Lang, AP Calc BC, and could not get into AP Psychology or AP US History. I plan on applying to D1 and D3 colleges. I've tried requesting more ap courses but I was unable to get into any other class. In addition, my school does not like its students taking courses outside of the curriculum they provide.

(I took 2 aps, 2 honor classes my sophomore year, and plan to take a few more ap courses my senior year).

I want to show colleges that I am a diligent student who is able to balance extracurriculars, advanced courses, and sports. Are 3 AP classes enough for Junior year? Does the number of AP classes matter a lot to college coaches, admissions officers, etc?

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

Last year for my Junior year, I took 3 AP's and had the rest of my classes be honors classes. I've heard the number of AP's you take matter to an extent, but if you take leadership in extracurriculars and demonstrate you are a well rounded student that cares about things. The amount of AP's do not matter. I had a friend that only took 4 AP's in total and she went to a school that had 22 AP's in total. Instead, she focused on her interests as an artist and had a lot of impressive extracurriculars. She had a 3.7 GPA and a SAT score of 1130. She got accepted to Pomona, Tufts, Washington University at St. Louis, and a bunch of "little ivies".

2 years ago

there's no definitive amount of AP courses to take to get into a good school I would say its all about taken the AP's you like and that align with your career interest. I think you are taking BC calc and physics which are tough of the hardest ones so thats good. I would say just focus on doing well in them because if you do well in hard courses it shows them that your ready to handle college coursework and you can do well in rigourous courses.

2 years ago

As a high school junior, I'm definitely not an expert, but I'd say because you have taken APs and honors before and plan on taking them in the future you should be okay. You still have AP credits, as well as sports and extracurriculars which is what many colleges look for. I don't know how true it is, but I have also spoken to professors who have told me that while colleges love seeing APs on an applicants transcript, it's also a convenience for students. I have found that sites like this one and Raise Me ( https://www.raise.me/i/halcul ) have been a huge help when tracking things that have to do with college

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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