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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

How is my rigor?

So I was reading this article

And I came across these stats and as a engineering/maths major how would my rigor be evaluated as my school offers just about all of the AP classes except research and the non French German Latin and Spanish Lang Also don’t have some of the physics classes.

Most are 2 semesters long and am filling Grad requirements. Only one class was available for AP test before 11th that was world History. Also each semester consists of 7 periods

The ones I’m taking are

Comparative Gov



World History

US gov

A English haven’t decided

Enviro Science

How is my rigor as a civil engineering/data analytics major?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago[edited]


5 years ago

If you want to take Engineering you really should take AP Calculus especially if you plan on applying to top Universities for Engineering because you'll have to take the higher levels of Calculus when you get to college and it really helps if you have already taken the basic level in high school. I also would recommend AP Computer Science since you're interested in data science because data analysis almost always requires manipulating data with code, but if it's not possible statistics is more important to have anyway.

5 years ago

So, it seems like there are almost two separate questions here: 1) Is my academic rigor strong enough and 2) Are the APs I'm taking related to my intended majors. Let me know if that's not the case but I'll be answering both.

To start, academic rigor is basically Admissions Officers looking to see if you pushed yourself while you were in school. Did you take Honors/AP/DE classes (if they are available to you) or did you just stay in regular classes for all 4 years of high school. It's important to note that Admission Officers will evaluate your coursework based on the classes available at your school. This is a good thing because it means that students who might not have honors/APs offered at their school aren't judged unfairly against students who DO have those classes available to them. It sounds like your school has a large selection of APs available to students which means in order to have strong academic rigor you would need to take a lot of APs. Considering you will have taken 7 APs (and I'll assume some honors classes in there as well) I think you're in a fine spot. It looks like almost half your schedule for the next 2 years will be AP classes, which sounds like a lot, but without knowing more about your school I can't comment for sure. However, from an outside perspective I think you are in fine shape like I mentioned before.

Now to part 2. While you didn't explicitly ask this, the way you wrote your question made it seem to me you were also curious how well the classes you picked are when considering your intended major of civil engineering/data analytics. I agree with the other commenters that you might want to consider swapping out some of the APs to ones more relevant to your majors. While it's definitely not necessary to do I think it could give your profile a slight boost. I think @cp839 gave some great suggestions with AP Calc and AP CS although I would probably lean towards AP Calc if I had to choose. But like I said earlier and @crsgo0422 mentioned in their comment, rigor is more about did you challenge yourself with the classes available to you and not about if the classes you take align well with your major. While I think some APs your school probably has might prepare you a bit more for your majors, if you like learning about history and government then you should take those classes!

Hopefully that helped answer your question and I'm more than happy to clarify anything I said or answer any follow-up questions.

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