How to look for trustworthy activities out of school that can help with me getting into my dream college?
What are some valuable summer program from some of the top schools and when do they start accepting registrations?
What are some things I can do outside of school that makes my resume stand out?
What are some things I can do outside of school that can help for me to get into medical school.
My school does not have AP or IB classes. How would that affect my college application if I want to go to a prestigious college? What are some online resources I can take AP/IB classes?
If I want to get into a high prestige school, what should my test score, extracurriculars look like?
In answer to your AP/IB question, both are highly valuable, but will not affect your chances of getting into college if you don't have them. However, the college credit gained from AP or HL IB classes is considered to be worth it by many people. In my opinion, it is not worth it to take IB classes unless you are completing the full two-year diploma program.
Some states have virtual schools that offer AP classes, but I haven't heard of them offering IB classes. You could always self-study for the AP tests and take them at a nearby school that offers them (talk to your counselor about that). If you decide to do this I would recommend the website Fiveable; they have great explanations of the exact specifications for each AP test.
Good luck :)
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