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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

AP Lang


I am planning to pursue engineering in college. I am not taking AP Lang and I am bit concerned.

The colleges in the top 50 rank, do they prefer AP lang ?

which AP courses are recommended for engineering students

I hear mainly the below mentioned APs.

AP Calc A/B

AP Calc B/C

AP Physics 1

AP Physics 2

AP Comp Principles

AP Com Principles A

AP Chem



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2 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

I wouldn’t say its necessary but it’ll set you apart from other engineering students. Trust me many have been throught his dilema and a lot choose not to take foreign language. If you do take it though, it will show that you are interested in challanging yourselves and understanding other perspectives. You can even get them to think you did it because you believe understanding other persepctives is crucial [to engineering/teamwork etc.].

I recall reading on MIT’s page (and a few others) that 4 years of language is appreceated. I don’t remember it stating AP exactly but I think it would be implied; if you’re taking 4 years of lang, make sure it challenges you.

If you think you’ll be able to handle the course load, you might want to take it. I personally am planning on doing IB (which forces you to take IB spanish anyway) even though I want a career as an engineer/computer science/STEM.

2 years ago

The STEM classes you have listed are the most important for you to take. With that said, top colleges will want to see that you have a few AP humanities classes on your transcript to show that you are well rounded. AP Lang is a good one to take, but the best class will be the one you will be the most interested in and do the best in. Hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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