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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

I just hit 1000 accepted answers so I'm going to focus on Columbia U. and take a break

My first day of class at Columbia University freshman starts Tuesday and I'm going to try my best to get good grades and a high GPA. Answering questions on CV has been my unofficial community service as a content provider but I want to really focus on school right now and take a well-deserved break.

I feel I've done a good thing helping out and I think most of the questions that come up have already been answered in my nearly 2000 posts.

I'll probably post ED/EA and RD stats when they come out but that's about it. I hope my answers have been helpful. And who knows maybe corporate will give me an internship gig now that I'm adulting as a college student.

Good luck to all your 9th, 10th, 11th, and seniors applying this cycle. Remember, it's not the school you get into that defines you. You already are a remarkable person so just remember that when one door closes, another one opens. And don't knock too hard, you might not want to go into that door anyway! LOL

Wish me luck at Columbia !!!!

See you around !!!

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2 years ago

Good luck in ColumbiaU! Thank you for helping me and all of us out with your fabulous answers and comments. Have fun!!!!!!!

🎤2 years ago



2 years ago

CAMERON!!!! CollegeVine's true MVP. You've helped me soooo much with admissions questions, college suggestions, and even just super accurate general advice, and I'm sure the rest of this community feels the same. Your answers are now officially limited edition, and I'm just so thankful you've decided to post here!

(I can't believe you went to Deerfield! I have friends there lol) Huge congrats and best of luck at Columbia! You're going to kill it there.

🎤2 years ago

@ashllama thanks for your kind words !!!!! GO BIG GREEN !!!!! LOL


2 years ago

Good luck at Columbia University! Thank you so much for the help and statistics, they have been really useful.


2 years ago

GOOD LUCK !!!! Thank you for all your great posts and answers. You will be missed.

🎤2 years ago

THank you !!!!


2 years ago


🎤2 years ago

Thanks so much !!!!


2 years ago


I am expressing my heartfelt gratitude for your support for me and others on CollegeVine. Your time spent in this community has been priceless. I'd like to acknowledge and thank you for all of your thorough advice and suggestions. Looking back on the year, your insightful and objective responses helped me make the best decisions. You also encourage others when they are at their low point. I believe your kindness and intelligence would benefit society greatly. It is an honor to know you.

I wish you the best at Columbia!

🎤2 years ago

@Thinker It's comments like this that make it all worthwhile. Luckily I had an extremely engaged dad who was really into all this so he go me on the right track from like 3rd grade. So I'm happy to share !!!!


2 years ago

thanks for everything and good luck!

🎤2 years ago

Thanks !!!!!!


2 years ago

Congrats and good luck at Columbia!! Your tips and advice are probably my biggest takeaways from CV! Also, thank you for always taking the time to update whenever a college changed their policies/ED or EA stats/financial aid system/etc! Go slay at Columbia!

🎤2 years ago

@cslg Thank you so much for being a fan and, for your kind words !!!!! Good luck with your applications !!!!


2 years ago

Thank You So Much!!! Your help had NOT gone unnoticed. Have fun at Columbia!! We'll try to carry on all the assistance you've given us.

🎤2 years ago

Thanks @AimForTheStars !!!! Have a great semester as well !!!!


2 years ago

Thank you for everything you've done and for everyone you've helped! Have a wonderful time at Columbia!

🎤2 years ago

THanks a bunch @em-h !!!!!


2 years ago

Thank you for giving so many insightful answers to the community! Have a great time beginning your journey at Columbia!

🎤2 years ago

@AlexanderOddo thanks, Alexander !!!! I'm handing the baton over to you officially.


2 years ago

Thank you so much for all your help! Good luck, congrats, and have fun at Columbia!!

🎤2 years ago

@ny2nj you're welcome and thank you !!!!


2 years ago

@CameronBameron we'll miss you! thanks for all the advice and posts. you're going to go far in life :)

🎤2 years ago

Thanks @ThatOnePolyglot for the kind words and support !!!!


2 years ago

You brand yourself as a social justice advocate yet you seem to have nothing but ill intent in your heart. The fact that both YOU and your father THOM responded to Barnard's 2027 acceptance rate post on BWOG just exposes the disdain you have for Barnard students (seems nothing short of elitist views, unsurprising since you went to deerfield and are probably used to gatekeeping). Instead of trying to "correct" the acceptance rate, you should be happy for Barnard since its literally a sister school and all students are under the columbia university umbrella. I wonder how it would look to future employers your clear and ironic elitism

🎤2 years ago

Both BWOG and Barnard admissions confirmed that the 6.5% acceptance rate is correct so what the heck are you babbling about? We are huge supporters of Barnard. Your rambling is pure drivel.

2 years ago

Then why did your father attempt to “correct the %” and double down on providing stats to try and drive up the stat to 9.5%. Why did you try to do the same as well?

Also sure let’s give you the benefit of the doubt. Would you say Barnard students are Columbia students then?

🎤2 years ago

No one in my family corrected the stats. You are mistaken, that respondent who did that is not a relationship to me. You have made an incorrect assumption or observation. Please, go on with your life and stay out of my lane.


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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