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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I apply early decision?

So I want to apply early decision to my top college, however, I am unsure of whether or not this would be in my best interest. Here is some info about me:

1) I am taking a significantly more challenging coursework this year than any year of highschool (6 AP classes this year compared to 3 last year + 1 dual enrollment and 1 AP sophomore year)

2) I am consistent with my grades. I have made all high As for all of my highschool transcript up until this point (though the classes weren’t as challenging)

3) I have not completed all my standardized testing yet. My last time to take the SAT and ACT (before early decision deadlines) are coming up and I am not sure how well I will do.

4) This college is my top pick for early decision

Should I apply early action? It’s pretty hard to get into so I’m unsure.


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4 answers

2 years ago

Generally, it is recommended to apply for ED in the target list. Also, you should be comfortable with the cost. You can run the chancing engine with an estimated sat/act score. If your top choice is test optional then don't submit scores if they are low.

2 years ago

Well, first I would suggest to weigh the pros and cons.


-Statistics show that those who apply early admission have a higher rate of acceptance compared to those who don't.

-If you don't make it in during early admission they can defer you into the regular admission pool.


-If you don't know how you're going to do on the SAT or ACT it could be risky.

I say that you should assess your abilities and infer how you would do on your tests and then make a decision. If that is the only time you can take the tests before regular admission as well then I would greatly encourage you to apply early as you would have the same score regardless. Again, do what feels best for you. Good Luck!!

2 years ago

Yes, if you know that this college is your top pick, now is the time to go for your reach school, given it is your top pick. You should also consider ED2, if that school has one and you don't get in, or ED2 to other schools. EA is also something you can do in parallel. No one can say whether you can actually be admitted, but if you truly want to go to that school, go for it!

2 years ago

You have good coursework and a steady GPA. Applying early decision is generally thought of as harder, but that's because you have to stand out. Colleges are more likely to accept students they think want to go there. Being enthusiastic and applying early really helps show your commitment to the school. I say go for it! You could also reach out to a college administrator at the school about what you can do to get noticed. Your college wants you there. They just haven't met you yet!

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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