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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Very low GPA but have extracurriculars/AP tests/volunteering

Sorry, this is so long! I want to get into a Canadian college with a 52.4% acceptance rate. With all of the following in mind, is it possible to get in?

For most of high school, I've lived in a funk. I have a condition that causes me not to produce important, basic neurotransmitters - I know people talk about "chemical imbalances" and "neurotransmitter imbalances" in connection with depression, and sometimes that is completely valid. Other times, it's an excuse not to work on themselves. This isn't the case. I'm on 5 prescription medications to help me deal with the symptoms and another 7 supplements that are just as highly manufactured and have just as many, if not more side effects. It's caused me to have severe short-term and long-term memory loss, major depression (which life circumstances also contributed to), brain fog, anxiety, and generally slow processing. I know it might sound like it lol, but this isn't just depression. I failed pretty much every class I took in my freshman and sophomore years, and only passed half of my junior year classes. I have a 1.3 GPA, and maybe it'll be a 1.6-1.8 (I haven't done the math) by the end of the year. Since I've found a medication mix that works for me, almost all of those issues have cleared up.

Here's what I do:

I have a 1.3 GPA, and maybe it'll be a 1.6-1.8 (I haven't done the math) by the end of the year. I have mostly high 90s this year and my lowest grade is 85. My 11th-grade PSAT score was 1310. As a senior, I'm in night school 6-10 pm to become an EMT, and I'm in HOSA (a healthcare club that focuses on community service and medical certifications) and Girl's Advocates. I was in Cross Country last year but quit in the last quarter of the season. I also volunteer to make food for those facing food insecurity every weekend. I don't do it for the hours, but I'm on track to have 350 or so by the end of the year.

My first year in college will be at a community college with a 100% acceptance rate. I'll be working as an EMT and taking classes in Biology, Chemistry, and Math, possibly something else as long as it relates to healthcare.

With all of this in mind, I want to know if it's possible to get into my university of choice or if it's still too much of a reach. I don't know. I'm just hoping colleges can look past my overwhelmingly terrible grades. Is there anything more I do to increase my chances of admission? I'm already pretty busy but I would really appreciate suggestions.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
2 years ago

You seem like someone who demonstrates a lot of resilience. Colleges love to see this quality in prospective students. Make sure that you utilize the additional information sections of the application and explain your unique circumstances and how you have grown and improved.

2 years ago

It's not your fault that you have a neurological issue, and colleges will consider that as a legitimate explanation for your bad grades.

It's great that your lowest score is 85. With such a drastic improvement, you shouldn't worry much about your previous GPA because the recent grades have greater weightage in your application.

Just keep those grades consistent, and you'll be fine.

Hope this helps!

2 years ago

if you have a valid excuse as you seem to have then I think that college will look past your bad gpa. remember it is a holistic process so they look at the student as a whole gpa is only one aspect of the application if your standardized testing, activities, honors, and personal essay all show at you are a amazing student then you will probably be accepted. just make sure to provide a reason for why your gpa is low in your application.

2 years ago

It would be possible to get into your university of choice if you are very transparent with the university. You have fought hard to get here and you are still working hard. Tell them this, they are probably looking for someone like you. Keep your grades up and make sure your grades are really good your first year of college. That would make the transfer much easier.

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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