Does my extracurriculars have to relate to my intended major? Do they have to relate to each other? My extracurriculars range from different subjects and I'm wondering if that will effect my college chances.
No, extracurricular activities(ECs) do not need to be related to your major or even to each other. They're based on your interests, and there's nothing wrong in having diverse interests.
The purpose of extracurriculars (apart from recreation) is to develop technical and soft skills that cannot be developed in a classroom setting. ECs show colleges that you spend time constructively outside school hours. They aren't very critical about what fields your ECs are in as long as you're consistently adhering to them i.e., spending adequate time on a regular basis. It shouldn't be like you're just participating in a bunch of activities to put the hours on the application. Prioritize listing activities you've been doing since years on the application.
Hope this helps!
All my extracurriculars are mostly all sports and are clubs that make me look good in more of a people aspect so I entirely don't think it matters. If I'm correct, your college will accept your extracurricular even if it doesn't relate to your intended majors.
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