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2 years ago
Admissions Advice

Thoughts on being top 300 world and top 1000NA in separate video games a strong extracirricular?

Hey everyone,

I'm planning to apply to most of the UC's and UW and was wondering if being extremely good at video games is a strong trait to get into these schools. My unweighted is like a 3.91 and I'm taking 5 IB courses this year. Asides from my other extra curricular and such, how much do you think it'll help my admission process?

Thank you,


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1 answer

Accepted Answer
2 years ago[edited]

I think some colleges seriously consider esports and gaming viable Extracurricular activities but many do not.

Here are the Top 100 colleges that have Esports teams and compete on a collegiate level. I'm certain at least these schools would value having a player like yourself. The problem is that non of these 100 colleges are considered very competitive academically so that's the catch.

For top colleges like Ivy's, Elite, and Top Liberal Arts colleges, I think the approach I would recommend is definitely mentioning that you are a highly ranked gamer but explaining how you use gaming to augment your priorities which should be academic pursuits.

For example, if you were to apply to Columbia University, I would express that you look forward to using the Wallach Hall Esports Lounge in your downtime so join the intermural or club Esports league in their "why us" supplemental essay.

I would research the colleges on your list and see if they have similar Esports clubs, teams, and facilities on their campuses as well. And be in touch with some of those members so they can give you some feedback on how to position Esports on your common app essay and supplemental essays.

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Duke University




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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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